2 min readJan 24, 2022


Happiness industry

About life And the amount of culture and scientific stockpile it shares, it stops believing in you while you are alive, while you have done all your things and have struggled up to the level that you have proved you make no mistake that you have advanced far to the peak with the power to climb the top and get to the top, then it turns its back on you and it resumes being indifferent to you. What does it mean? Well, if you want to use psychotherapeutic science in your life, then it reverts to the possibility of you not being happy. You can not find happiness and happiness because it gives you to yourself, it itself is unhappy because it gets you to be responsible for your happiness. And let alone the feeling of being responsible for your happiness, which is even more unbearable, you are responsible for others happiness, too. You are entrusted with your family, with those who came from you and those who came to you.Take responsibility for the happiness of society, then sooner or later it will turn your back on you, too. And who are we devoted to? We are devoted to our selves. And if we devote ourselves to anybody, we tend to make our society unhappy with us. The whole purpose of the happiness industry is to train you to be happy with the happiness of others, with the happiness of one’s family. After all, all the points of reference, all the happiness that you feel, all that happiness that you know, all the happiness in life, is due to your family and society. Happiness is what is shared by society and by family.




Content industry A publisher of happines Blueger Interested in energy science Training and development Development of human capacities